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Y’all, I’ve not been good at keeping up with my blog lately. I’ve been on and off my workout game. Business isn’t picking up as quickly as I would like. Moving has been harder than expected. So I think this is a perfect time to write something like this, for me and for you: YOU ARE DOING BETTER THAN YOU THINK YOU ARE, allow yourself some GRACE.


Man, sometimes it just feels like so many things are harder than they should be. Like the world is just fighting against you and it’s an uphill battle no matter which way you turn. RIght? You feel me on this? You know what- it probably is. Our world is not the easiest place to live in, especially right now. Politics, economics, the holidays, I won’t say “inflation” but I will say blatant price gouging- things are rough. And I’m just here to say that you are doing better than you think you are, I am sure of it. As long as you are making it through to the next day you are already on a roll. Give yourself grace in tough times. Give each day what you’ve got, and realize that doesn’t have to be “110%” every day. That’s just silly. Yeah, a Porsche can go 150 MPH- but is it supposed to operate like that all day every day? Absolutely not. Give your best days that extra go, and give the rest what you are able. Just like a luxury car, the human body can do AMAZING things, but it’s not meant to be amazing all day every day. That’s exhausting, and unfair if you think you have to perform like that until you blow your engine. 


Take care of yourself. Set small attainable goals and try to achieve those. Make a to do list, but also put on that to do list something that will make you happy. Make schedules, but also schedule time for rest. Remember rest isn’t just the act of doing nothing, you are doing something. You are actively resting (see my earlier blog titled “Active rest is NOT an Oxymoron).  Make sure you are sleeping, make sure you are eating to fuel your day and your body as best as you are able to currently and the best you know how. Learn boundaries and how to say no or when to ask for help. These are important not just to make it through the holidays but to make it through life in general. I’ve often restated this bit of advice from my therapist and I’ll reiterate: They say you can’t pour from an empty cup, but why is your cup anything but full? Make sure your cup is full first, and when you’re full and able let others drink from your saucer. It’s not selfish to take care of yourself when you need to, and when you’re able extend that care to others. And be a friend to yourself- in any and all situations ask yourself “if a friend was in the same situation, what advice would I give them?” Take that advice and use it. We are always hardest on ourselves, and that’s not fair either. 


So I am here to say to me, to you, to everyone: I’m sure you’re doing better than you think you are, and please take care of yourself. Be a friend to yourself always. Be well.