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We often think of health as diet and exercise.  Sometimes we think to add in mental health.  However, real wellness is so much more than this.  There are seven areas (6 in some books, 8 in others) that we really need to have a grasp of to be fully “well.”  These areas are environmental, spiritual, physical, occupational, emotional, intellectual, and social.  Here I will briefly describe each:


1: Environmental: What surrounds you. This includes your home, your friends and family, and what we would classically consider the “environment.”  Are your friends and family supportive and engaging? Are you taking care of your surroundings, and do they nurture your wellness? 


2: Spiritual:  Being a part of something larger, while also being able to take time for yourself.  Belief in the larger picture, and being able to be reflective of your own personal life. Being kind and charitable, and also being able to make sure that you foster your own spirt as well.


3: Physical: Exercise, Nutrition, and stay out of harm’s way.  Control negative experiences and habits, being careful and not reckless, eating properly, and exercising enough. 


4: Occupational:  Having a sense of purpose and fulfillment with your chosen profession.  Feeling wanted and appreciated; being valued for the work you have chosen to do and having a environment at work to be able to grow professionally.


5: Emotional:  Being able to recognize and express both positively perceived and negatively perceived experiences and emotions. Recognizing the impact of your decisions fully, and being able to ask for help when needed.


6:Intellectual:  Are you stimulated?  Learning new skills, enjoying new experiences, and being open to change and growth are all parts of intellectual wellness.


7: Social:  Do you have a support group; are you able to be interdependent and independent.  It is necessary for us to feel like we have a community, but it’s equally as important to be able to take the time needed for ourselves. 

Follow the link below for a short video on these areas from my youtube channel!  Be well.