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Active Rest


We live in a world that is go go go, do do do, must produce, must be the best, must be on top always, move move move, push push push… and that just ain’t good. Rest is seen as a luxury; opulent and sumptuous and something to onlybe had for pleasure.  That’s not great either.  Rest is absolutely necessary. We need to learn that rest should be viewed as active, not lazy, and be taken seriously.


Think about a car engine- is it made to be running at 100% of capacity at all times? Absolutely not. Optimally it runs at about 50% most of the time, and ventures higher when demand is pushed. We have learned that we always have to give 110% all the time. What would happen to an engine if you redlined it all day every day? Not a great picture, right? Well, that’s what we are doing to our bodies and minds. We are redlining our internal engines all the time and it’s burning us out mentally and physically, personally and societally. The “hustle” is put on a pedestal and it is a big brag or “flex” to be working 2-3 jobs, only getting 4 hours of sleep, etc and for what? Money you’ll never have the time to enjoy? A future full of health issues because you never took care of yourself, your things, or your relationships? Nope. Not good at all. Not where it’s at.


We have been taught that taking time off is not a guarantee, “sleep when you’re dead”, and that needing a break or a day of rest is lazy and unappealing. Absolutely not correct. We need to shift that view and realize that rest is active- I am scheduling a break, I am ACTIVELY resting, and that time is valuable. It’s not that you’re doing nothing, you are actively resting. It is absolutely necessary for our bodies and brains. Even one of the five principles of exercise is the principle of rest. Do NOT always feel like you have to say yes, hold your own space and show that you’re worth the effort to rest, and do not let anyone take that value away. Not your job, not your kids, not your spouse or friends. Really, it’s for them as well- a well-rested person can be much more present and helpful than someone running on empty.


Do not let anything or anyone make you feel like less of a person for needing rest. Show them that you value your worth, and that you are worth taking care of yourself. If someone says “Oh, so you’re not busy”- you are. You are busy resting and that’s ok. Realize that rest is not just doing nothing, you are actively resting.