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Adventure in the Upstate of SC


     For my birthday this year I took a hiking trip for three days.  Now, don’t be impressed yet- it was to a campsite. A primitive site, like poop in a hole and all, but still a fire pit and safety *probably* fairly close. I went to the North Lake Reservoir are at Paris Mountain State Park.  I had been before, actually a couple times, but only for one night each on previous trips. Once with my dog, once with my ex.  The trip with my dog had less drama and it included coyotes and unexpectedly cold temperatures. 



     I booked my favorite site, geared up, and hiked in. The hike is fairly flat if you take the Brissy Ridge Trail to Pipsessewa then to North Lake Trail.  You can also take Kanuga, but it has some stark elevation changes.  Nothing that you would need a rope or any special gear for, it’s just much more comfortable with a pack and all to take the former route. I was excited- the thought of spending three days in the woods alone might be scary to some however it thrills me.  Time to read, cook, fish, hike, WHATEVER I WANT TO DO. I got to my site mid-afternoon set up my tent, and took a good little walk around the lake. I did some fishing, and then the sun started to go behind the mountain- time for dinner and fires.  I love campfires. I love the smell, the food, the feel, all of it. I always bring a fishing rod and do some foraging, however, as a former boyscout the motto is be prepared and I bring enough food for a small village.  I had canned some soup specifically for this and was excited. It was supposed to get pretty cold that evening so soup, fire, and homemade sourdough was going to be great.  Oh, and whiskey. 


     As soon as the sun goes away fully it gets COLD.  Like below freezing cold.  Again, being the prepared eternal scout I had brought multiple pairs of tights and pants and sweats, and a coat so I thought I was good.  And my sleeping bag is good “down to 32” so I’d be fine.  Nope. It. Was. Flipping. COLD.  Laying in my tent being able to see my breath I am thinking defeat- am I going to have to call for help? If I am stubborn (there’s not an if there, I am always stubborn) am I going to be sick, or get hypothermia? Should I just stay awake all night with a fire it isn’t supposed to be as cold tomorrow night?  My last thought before admitting defeat is my hammock. Nylon is always hot right?  I run outside and grab it from my tree and wrap my sleeping bag in it, then crawl inside and pull everything over my head and fold the top over effectively making a Christopher hot pocket.  It’s now a nice toasty 73 degrees in my bag according to my watch and I’m actually weirdly comfy. 


     I woke up super early the next morning to enjoy sunrise, grits and canned chicken, and cowboy coffee.  I was able to spend the entire next day hiking, fishing, foraging (I made an AMAZING soup), reading, drinking whiskey, and doing whatever I felt like.  I was even able to get in some night time photography with my new camera I was given for my birthday.  The next morning I woke up early again, made an amazing breakfast, and packed up.  It was time to go home to enjoy my birthday event with friends. 


     I hike and jog often at Paris Mountain, and love the primitive campsites at North Lake. I highly recommend them for a quick getaway, or to test drive your backpacking skills without a super high risk.  The scenery is breathtaking, and you might encounter wildlife such as deer, reptiles, waterfowl, smaller mammals, and even a bear.  I have never caught a fish in the pond, but I’ve seen them there and you are allowed to fish and eat what you catch within the limits of the law and you will need a fishing license.  There are miles and miles of trails, old buildings from the turn of the 20th century, and an interesting history all to explore during your trip.  For an inexpensive and interesting time I love this are.  Attached below is a link to my video I made from this trip.  Be well, and safe exploring everyone!