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How Are Those New Year's Resolutions Going?


How are those New Year's resolutions going? According to science, probably already down the shitter. According to surveys, most people give up on their resolutions within three weeks to a month. So all that talk from November to December 31st- I’m just doing this for now, getting it out of my system before NYD, New Year New Me- while it might have had good intentions, it was ultimately worthless. Yeah, harsh. Yeah, True. So why? Why do people give up on their “New Me” so quickly? Well, one reason is- as my dad would put it- Want in one hand and shit in the other and see which gets full faster. You wanted it, but had no real plan or follow through. But it goes much more deeply. And without getting into too much about theory of behavioral change and Transtheoretical Theory that no one is going to pay attention to, I’d like to simply give suggestions on how to set goals for success.


First up- Make them bite sized. I’ve often said “If you tried to eat an apple all at once you’ll choke; we have to take bites out the apple to finish the whole thing.” Yes, have large scale goals. Big dreams, high hopes- but how do you get there?  We start with small steps, and not all at once. In the fitness world, we have steps to creating goals that lead to long term plans. First, we determine an attainable healthy long-term goal. Sweet! Now lets make a road map. How do we do this? By taking bites! We establish what is called a micro-cycle goal. This is a short-term goal. Just a couple weeks. What can we accomplish in a couple weeks? Maybe establish a routine. Start consciously eating better. Work on a nighttime routine for better sleep. These little teeny goals are constantly re-evaluated to make sure they are leading us to a middle goal- our mesocycle goal. These are mid-length, so a month to three months. In 1-3 months, what do we want to see achieved by our little goals? Some weight loss? Some energy gain? Better muscle definition? If we are accomplishing our little goals, then we make it to these medium goals. Our medium goals being checked off slowly and steadily should lead us to those long term plans and goals- the macrocycle. In 6months to one year, what do you want to see achieved? If you meet all your goals in a year, then we either come up with new ones, or a maintenance plan to keep you steady where you want to be. And DO NOT try to change everything at once. Don't set 17 small goals at one time: you're not going to do it, and it'll be overwhelming. You cannot eat better, sleep better, workout 6days a week, achieve glowing skin, spend more time with your kids, get a promotion, buy a new house, and achieve zen all in your first week. You will choke. Bites. We must take bites. And one apple at a time. 


Make sure your goals are timely and attainable. Want to lose 50 lbs? AMAZING! Want to do it in two months? While it might be possible, it is neither healthy nor sustainable. You need to be real with yourself- you didn’t gain 50lbs in two months (and if you did there are other underlying health issues that should be dealt with first) so it will take you more than two months to lose it. You’re very likely not going to save enough money for a home in one year. You’re not going to master the guitar in a few weeks. You might be able to learn Wonderwall, but really no one wants to hear it.  Be real and honest with yourself and you goals. It doesn’t mean they’re unattainable- you can do anything you want if you want it badly enough and you give priority to it; just allow yourself the grace of honesty.


I just said it also- you can achieve anything you want IF YOU GIVE IT PRIORITY. Don’t have time to work out? Sit down and write out a Sun-Mon calendar of every single thing you HAVE to do. Your world would end if you didn’t do it- only things that are necessary. Eat, Sleep, Work, Kid stuff- only the most important things. After that, schedule your goals in there as a priority. I bet you’ll find some time to squeeze it in. Then, find mentors or other people who are in the same mind frame you are. Not “well my friend is doing keto and I’m going to do it for a little while just to lose the weight then I’ll figure something else out.” No, No, NOOOO. You’ve already failed. That takes no priority- that’s a blame game. I just change this one thing and I’ll be good. Nope. Seek people who have achieved the results you’re looking for long term- not yoyo, seek people who also want a real change and not a bandaid, and give priority to it.


Stop with what I have termed The Ikea Mindset- fast, easy, cheap, now. Nothing in this world was ever achieved fast, easy, cheap, or now. And when it doesn’t work you’ll try the next f/e/c/n, and when it breaks you’ll say “Well, I tried” and go back to whatever you were doing defeated and sad. But did you really try? Or did you Ikea it? You have to have a plan- a roadmap of small attainable steps to get you to your destination, you have to be honest in the journey, and you have to give priority to making the trip. These will lead you to an actual result, and any result you give the effort to. So here, my followers, I give you the knowledge for change. Go forth and do big things. There’s no better time to start than right now. Be well.