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How to Use an Entire Gallon of milk to make Fresh Ricotta and Whey Caramel with NO WASTE


This is one of my favorite things to do. Now, the ricotta only takes about thirty minutes or so, but the whey caramel takes forever.  If need be, freeze the whey until you have time.  You can also use the whey to add flavor and protein to bread, soups, and more.


I’m not going to write this as a food blog, bc lord knows everyone HATES reading 18 pages of the first time you ever heard of milk, to your trip to where ever and you ate ricotta, to blah blah blah no one cares tell your therapist. 


You’ll need:


One gallon Whole Milk

2/3 cup of something acidic to set the cheese- vinegar, lemon juice, etc.

2 tbsp Salt (optional)

Optional Herbs


The leftover whey

One Stick of Butter

2 cups sugar

AND ABOUT 4 hours



Put the milk into a pot and slowly bring it to a steam.  You don’t want to burn the milk or boil it.

When it gets steamy and a little frothy on top, that’s perfect.

Dump in acid and salt, stir, and let sit for ten minutes. 

With a slatted spoon scoop your cheese into a tight mesh strainer or cheese cloth. 

Strain and its good to go!

If they whey that is left over still has a milky color there’s still cheese to be had! Bring to a slow boil, and let sit for another ten minutes. 

Should yield about 2 pints.



Put the whey in a sauce pan and reduce by half on medium. 

Add sugar and butter.

Stir and simmer FOREVER until it takes on a nice tan-ish caramel color.  Should coat a spoon when dipped.  Will be a little salty already. 

It’s easy, it just takes forever. For thinner sauce, don’t process as long.  For a hard candy style caramel process longer and until darker.

Great for Halloween for coating apples!  Enjoy.


So there it is.  That’s how you can take $2 for a gallon of milk, and turn it into 2 pints of ricotta, and 2 pints of caramel. 

No preservatives.  Simple ingredients.  Super good. Enjoy!