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I’ve tried everything.


Have you attempted a journey to a “new” you that ended in defeat?  Have you tried the newest trends, the latest diets, and still nothing worked?  You’ve watched the YouTube videos, you follow the influencers, and still nothing seems to stick?  You say to yourself “I’ve tried everything and nothing works.”  And that’s it, right?  You’ve tried it all. Everything.  There’s nothing left to do now…except the only thing that actually works.  Why haven’t you sought a professional?  I’m not talking about the guy who “trains” for $20/hr at the gym under the table, or your friend who has worked out for a really long time so “they know what they’re talking about.”  I’m asking have you tried an educated, certified professional that you have seen and researched the credentials of and asked for references, and paid the money for a lifetime of wellness?  Likely not. Why?


Do you not value your health?  What in your life have you put value in over your health?  A $200 hair cut and color? An $800 TV?  Eating out every day for lunch at the office?  Why have you not dedicated those dollars to being able to live a healthier and better life?  You’ll make money back, you’ll never make time back.  Speaking of time, remember time is a value also.  What have you shown the value of your time to over your own health?  Tv shows? Bars? Scrolling through Facebook?  I always say if you can tell me what’s going on in any television show you have time to exercise.  Remember, a 1-hour workout is 4% of your day. You can’t dedicate that to your health?  The BARE MINIMUM is 30 minutes a day…that’s 2%.  You have to value your health. 


Have you dedicated the time or maybe even the money to the wrong things?  To fad fitness trends, diets that ask you to drastically cut things out of your diet, or to people who say they’re professionals and aren’t?  I am truly sorry that my field is such an unregulated wasteland and that can be demotivational.  This person on Instagram says do this once a day for flatter abs, this person at the vitamin store said this tea will make you skinny, this person who looks ripped said they’ll get you there…they’re all full of it.  There is no ten-minute workout that will give you flatter abs, the tea is just going to give you diarrhea, and the ripped person… well… there are many things: could just be more natural, could have a training regimen that works for them but knows nothing outside of that, likely someone who played a high school or a college sport but knows nothing of the physiology of the body.  You might have even solicited advice from your friends- but are they fitness professionals?  If your mechanic has really nice hair would you ask them to cut your hair?  If your hair stylist drives a nice car would you ask them to fix yours?  If your doctor didn’t go to med school and isn’t certified but has been practicing medicine “for a really long time so they know what they’re talking about” would you still go to your doctor?  Why do you not think the same of the long-term effects of your wellness and your body?


Or is it deeper?  Do you not think that you can do it, or do you not think you’re worth it?  Because YOU CAN AND YOU ARE! I have been in this business for a long time now, and I have seen some AMAZING things happen.  I have seen clients come in to get ready for gastric bypass surgery (a mostly unnecessary, invasive surgery that if you don’t change your habits won’t work) and decide to spend the money on training to do it naturally instead.  I have seen people who thought they’d never fit intoa fitness world thrive and find a home and family there. I’ve watched people lose hundreds of pounds, get off of medications, inspire their friends and family, and really truly change their lives for the better and for a lifetime.  Even myself- if you would go back in time and tell 20-year-old Christopher that today he’d own a wellness business and have gained muscle mass I would have put out my cigarette, thrown my drink at you, and laughed as I walked away.  Everyone has a story, and a starting point.  How is your story going to play out?


Everyone wants the secret to fitness.  The key to a nicer body or a healthier lifestyle like they don’t already know it.  You can ask a ten-year-old what it takes to be healthy and they’ll likely tell you something along the lines of eat lots of fruits and vegetables and exercise… and that’s it guys.  That’s the baseline of the “secret” you’re searching for.  Now, to hone in on what you should be eating (and stop listening to crap) and what exercises you should be doing (and again, stop listening to crap) you’ll need to invest in an educated, certified, QUALIFIED professional.  That is an investment in your health, in your future, and in the rest of your life.  What is stopping you from making that investment?  Remember, a pack of cigarettes is $6.  A pack daily would be around $180/month.  That’s enough to start learning and training.  A soda is $2.  $60 a month if you drink one a day.  That’s an hour with a qualified professional.  A tv show is one hour.  That’s one hour you could dedicate to making your life better and being an inspiration to your friends, children, and others.  So stop putting value in things over your health and stop asking the wrong people what to do.  Make time to make a better life or you’ll run out of time and life.  And decide that you are worth it because you most certainly are.