Find my latest  thoughts, advice, and adventures below!  


Do new things.


      I decided that last year would be the year of more adventure and less bar tabs.  Well, it certainly was an adventure… and there were less bar tabs.  Be careful what you wish for, right?  Well after a pandemic, some really dark lows, some therapy, a rebound, starting my own business, and more therapy I’m back on my mission of more memories and less forgetting.  Today I did a thing:  a pole fitness intro class!  And it was amazing.


           As a fitness professional myself I rarely take classes from other professionals.  Why pay for what I can do on my own, right?  Well, I don’t have a pole and it’s something I’ve always wanted to do so I went for it. I am really glad I did! I signed up last week on a whim- I saw it advertised because I follow them on Facebook (good job advertising on social media, you got me).  The time came around today and I have to figure out what to wear.  From the website and my former dance experience I figured something fitted so they can see my movements and no restrictive.  I took that up a notch also and thought it would be fun to wear something that I felt a little sexy in too.  I wore some of my shortest, tightest running shorts and a cropped shirt. I threw a hoodie and hip-hop pants on over my outfit and headed to the studio.  After being stuck in traffic and just barely arriving on time I was ready!


                The atmosphere was welcoming, and on entry into the pole room a little dimly lit.  After my eyes adjusted it was cool that it was lit by blacklights and not harsh. It added to the vibe and made me feel more comfortable.  It was a small class and we got started with a good warm and then learned the very basic essentials to beginning a pole adventure.  I learned a spin and a climb, and was able to receive group and personal instruction on form and process.  At the end time was left for pictures and I was eager to take some to document my adventure. I will definitely be back- it was not only a great workout, but inspiring!  We all need a little more inspiration in our lives, right?


                I’m looking forward to returning to their 101 class, and progressing in this new adventure.  And it only cost me the price of one drink with tip.  The prices go up of course with the advancement in difficulty, and that is to be expected however they are all quite affordable.  I did a few new things today- I wore a crop top in public and felt confident.  I learned fun new things and met new people.  I got in a unique workout.  This also cements my belief in my adventures and makes me excited for my other events I’ve already signed up for- a planetarium show, and a laser show! 


                Being able to enjoy new experiences and new ideas is part of our intellectual wellness.  The confidence built with each new experience will also help to translate into daily life as well.  We should all be challenging ourselves to become the best version that we can and this requires pushing our boundaries and comfort zones.  So I challenge you to come along with me on new adventures; seek adventures for your self that will challenge and excite you. 


Be well.