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Tatty Daddy


As you may or may not have noticed I have a few tattoos. Actually, a good bit. I’m planning on getting many more.  I’m three session into a sleeve currently with my most recent being yesterday. So today, I wanted to talk tattoos.  What it’s like, the healing process, questions I am asked, all that. Let’s get on it…


So tattooing is essentially inserting ink into the skin’s dermis. The dermis is the second layer of tissues, deep to the epidermis.  This process is done by using various needles but don’t be afraid:  believe it or not I am TERRIBLE with needles at the doctor’s office.  This is nothing like that.  The needles are dipped into the inks and are attached to the tattooing gun which allows for many insertions to occur without much notice of an individual stab.  The artist will begin by shaving the area to be tattooed, cleaning it, and then you hear that *buzzzzz* of the gun and it’s go time. I got my first tattoo 18 years ago now, and I still love it. And tattooing has come a long way. 


So after you have your artwork you need to protect it for a few days to make sure it heals properly.  This advice varies here and there, but this is what I do: Aquaphor (or one of it’s cheaper store brands) lightly for three days.  Make sure to not just glob it on as it needs to be protected and moisturized but also breathe to heal.  Wash it once daily with an unscented soap LIGHTLY and re-apply. Now sometimes you might wash off a little blood or excess ink.  Don’t flip- you’re good.  In fact, it’s honestly kind of hard to really mess up a good tattoo. I’ve literally gone backpacking the next day and been able to care for it just fine for four days in the woods. So Aquaphor and light rinsing- no scrubbing for three days, then a nice unscented lotion for a couple weeks whenever you notice it’s getting dry.  In the first few days you might also notice some ink on a shirt or your sheets, just fine also.  With my first one no one told me that I woke up the next day and thought my body was rejecting the tattoo and I had a miniature heart attack.  Another thing- it will itch and peel.  Do not scratch it, do not pull anything off.  Apply lotion, wash it gently, let things happen as they will.  After that, the only real care instruction is not too much direct sunlight for a bit and do not submerge it for about a month.  That’s all. 


Things people ask me all the time:

What are you going to do when you are an old man? – I will appreciate the meaning of the tattoos, likely show them off a little less (who am I kidding, I’ll be the naked old man in the nursing home if I’m lucky), and I’ll remember my life and my story and smile at the good times I had.  What are you going to do when you’re an old man?  Don’t ask stupid questions.


Did it hurt?  Yes.  Yes it did.  It’s a needle in your skin.  But like I always say, if you want it badly enough you’ll do it and that’s actually good life advice in general. Some places hurt worse than others, so if you’re worried about pain then talk to your artist about what could be a more acceptable spot, or ask for some numbing spray.  DO NOT DRINK BEFORE to numb the pain, it will make you bleed. And you might get a dumb tattoo.


How many tattoos do you have? Look, when someone clearly has a lot of tattoos don’t ask them this question. I have a lot.  I don’t even know how to count them.  This one took 9 hours but is only one, this one is one piece but is three sessions long, blah blah blah.  If you are keeping count of your tattoos you either only have a couple or you’re just picking small things off of a wall.


How do I know what to get?- I think about them generally for a long time.  I plan them and send art work to my artist and let her have creative space also. It’s good to let the artist have some creative room because just as you trust your hair stylist to know what is possible and will look the best, they know what they’re doing also.  


Why did you get tattoos?- Because I wanted to.  Why do anything in life?


Do they bleed?- Refer to previous paragraph. Yes.  Where you get them, caffeine consumption, and a couple other factors might play into bleeding but yes.  It’s in your skin. 


Make sure you find the right artist for your work.  Look through their social media and shop books and talk to them about what you want and allow them to have creative space. And you get what you pay for.  The cheaper tattoos will often look like it.  It’s charged by the hour so you probably want someone to take their time and make it look great, right?  Make sure the shop is clean and that all items used are sanitized.  Try not to tense up or jump too much, it’ll make it hurt worse.  And always tip your artist at least 20%.  And remember- like pringles, you can’t have just one.  You will likely want more after your first one. Go get a tattoo everyone! See link below! 


CHeck out my video of me getting tattooed HERE