The Fitness Industry is Bullshit
Today I am tired, I am burned out, and I am frustrated- with many things, but one I’ve been frustrated with for a while…my career. I LOVE doing what I do! I get to help people have a better quality of life, understand their bodies better, challenge their self mentally and physically and I see how proud they are when they complete goals and tasks. However, I am only able to do these things when I am allowed to, and there is so much standing in the way.
I majored in exercise science and got into my industry for two main reasons. First, I wanted to afford people the information to change their lifestyle instead of peddling pharmaceuticals as our culture and nation relies so heavily on. Create solutions that are lasting and healthy, rather than customers who are dependent and suffer from side effects. The second was to dispel the chatter and noise of health and wellness. I wanted to offer science and proven solutions and strike down the snake oil salespeople out there. It seems like when you begin a career with a war, all your career turns out to be is war.
The very things I set out on a crusade to right the world of are the very things that hold me back constantly. Interestingly though, not from the side of the pulpit but from the pews. It is my observation that no matter how much evidence you provide to a science based sustainable approach that 19 times of 20 the audience will choose whatever looks easier. They will go with the diet pills, shakes, fad diets, clickbait articles, 2 minute butt workouts, etc almost every single time. I’m sorry- you are smarter than that. I know it. You know it’s not going to work. If it worked, literally every single person in the world would be doing it and everyone would be all the happier for it. There is little to no actual thought.
The state of the current industry formerly known as fitness is one that has gone so far away from fitness that it’s incredible. Drink this shake to put on muscle, take this powder for more energy, this workout is good for everyone and will make you look like me, award points (because god knows we can’t do ANYTHING these days without having to get a prize for it) that encourage harder work when we know we should be working smarter instead- but damn, it all looks good and easy on paper. A whole lot easier than “Hey, you actually need to know what you’re doing.”
Aside from an increasingly miseducated target population, we have no regulation to stop it. Supplements aren’t FDA approved, “trainers” don’t have to be certified, certifications don’t have to be accredited, influencers can say whatever stupid thing they want to for the week, celebrities will say even more stupid things (looking at you Gwenny), and all the radio static drowns out the real solutions. The people who understand that every body is different. The people who are educated and can actually help. The ones that want to help others rather than get likes and follows. And that is incredibly frustrating. Everyone around you is making more money than you people they prey on people’s desires and there’s nothing you can personally do about it but be one droplet in a river that is trying to fight the current.
And it’s something that people fill find any way they can to get out of. You have no clue the excuses I’ve heard. In fact, I’m keeping a list- that’ll be another entire blog. Excuse after excuse, blah blah blah. And unlike the sister professions people don’t want it or see a value in it. People WANT massages. They might not even see the full physiological value in it, but most people wouldn’t say no to a free message as quickly as they would a free workout. Physical therapy they see the need for or value in- this has been recommended to me by a doctor, and anyway I can bill my insurance so I don’t even have to make an investment. And the money- “Why are you so expensive?” Because I have student loans, certifications, equipment, etc to pay off. Did you ask Nike why your shoes were so expensive? Did you question that there might be cheaper phones out there? “Well, my friend does it for $____!” Cool. Think of it as my services are whatever your preferred phone is, and theirs are a $20 tractphone without any apps. They’re the equivalent of a Motorola Razr in todays market. It really might actually work, but for an incredibly limited population because of incredibly limited service.
SO yeah, my industry is bullshit. Bullshit all around. And I keep doing it because I really feel like I can make a difference in the lives of some people. That makes it worth it. Many many MANY times I give some free advice to someone, have someone on a plan, or do a consultation and then they instantly go do something directly against recommendations, say “Thanks for your opinion”, or go ask facebook what the best new stupid diet trend is. But every now and again I change a life and that’s worth it.
Oh, and honorable mention to the people who tell me that I feel like I’m better than everyone because I work out, or that I’m intolerant just simply for being in the fitness industry. You’re not making my life any better either.
Christopher Fisher
Find my daily adventures on the links below:
Based in Vernon Vermont