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Take the time you need to heal.


With the New Year coming I feel the need to write something profound.  You know, New Year new me BS and all.  Everyone will be talking about their resolutions:  career moves, lose weight, buy a house, etc.  Personally, I don’t make resolutions. Science says you’re going to give up on them in about 22 days anyway.  So have fun with three weeks of life changing events.  I always take a reflective NYE walk where I journal and think about the past year, and then I thank the year for what it brought me, give it back to the universe, and manifest for the upcoming year.  I know, real hippie shit.  I enjoy it, and truly believe in the vibrations of manifestation.  After, what is the difference between manifestation and prayer anyway?  Right? 


My profound New Years blog for 2021 is this- take the time that you need to heal.  Often we try to push through as we were taught to be strong, don’t be sad, strength builds character…well sometimes that character that strength builds becomes callous and shitty. We also love to use platitudes such as “if you can’t handle me at my worst then you don’t deserve me at my best.”  Listen- no one deserves you at your worst.  Your worst should be behind you.  If you are still holding onto your worst then you didn’t take the time to heal. 


Sometimes we even try to do the work- while simultaneously working on everything else also.  So we give what, 30% of our attention to healing?  Is that fair to you?  Your future?  Those around you?  It is not.  So make sure you are taking the time that you need to heal.  From the past and it’s ghosts, and also from day-to-day life.  We’ve been in a TRAUMA TORNADO for a couple years now.  Deaths, destruction, loss of careers and homes and this adds up. Maybe you need a couple days to really reset yourself from those years, or a vacation to reset from the past, or even just ten minutes daily for a meditation to release microtraumas of daily life.  Yes, ten minutes daily- no matter who you are you can find ten minutes, and if you can’t then you need to reset some priorities in life. Take the time that it takes to heal from past and current, and hold your head high walking forward with confidence and knowledge.  You deserve it.


There it is, my profound statement for the new year.  For 2022 lets stop adding to our backpack of trauma; it’s getting too heavy.  Lets take care of ourselves with ACTUAL self-care, not just online shopping and mimosas, and work on having a better life with knowledge and understanding of where we are coming from, and not giving a free ride anymore to what destroys us daily.  Be well.