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Eat well.


Everyone thinks they have the best new diet plan out there.  “Try this one hack and you’ll drop weight”, “Just cut this one thing from your diet…” or “This superfood will change your life” is what we read daily. The truth is this- there is no such thing as a “superfood”, cutting anything fully out of your nutrition is detrimental, and there is no secret to nutrition.  If you want to change your habits you’re actually going to have to CHANGE YOUR HABITS; not just keep doing what you’re doing except one thing.  It doesn’t work like that.  Remember we need carbs, fats, and proteins in the correct ratio to supply us with energy and to rebuild our bodies. Remember that we need the correct amount of calories each day for our goals.  And remember these three tips I give everyone on how to eat better.


1- Shop around the walls of the grocery store.  What do you find around the walls? Fresh foods.  Fruits, veggies, dairy, meats, and whole grains.  Real food is the way to go.  You have to go down the isles to find processed and canned foods, laden with preservatives, refined sugars, and trans fats.  Enjoy your life, however try to stay away from the isles.


2- Have at least three different colors on each plate.  Different colors means different nutrients, and we need to make sure we have a variety of foods to supply us with the variety of vitamins and minerals for optimal functioning.


3- Eat as seasonally as possible. This one is a bit more tricky, yet it makes sense.  We are, after all, creatures of the earth and the earth supplies us what we need when we need it.  More fruits in the summer for energy and water content, more greens and tubers in the winter months for a dense supply of minerals and vitamins to get us through the harsher months. 


Other quick tips: 

Be aware of nutrient density versus calorie density: make sure you are getting more than calories in your foods; they should be full of nutrients if they are calorie laden. Be a conscious eater- not to the point of a negative or fearful relationship with foods yet knowing what’s on your plate and if it looks like a proper amount of food, macros, and nutrients. And lastly, enjoy food. We are social eaters, we need food to survive, and we should enjoy it.  One slice of birthday cake isn’t going to ruin your diet. As long as you have good eating habits most of the time paired with good exercise and movement habits most of the time you’ll be fine!  Eat well, be well.