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Stay on your game.


Ok, I’m going to admit it- this is the first week I’ve worked out in about a month and a half.  Moving 1200 miles hasn’t been easy on me or my body and mind. I had to fix and sell cars, fix my house, pack, clean, drive, settle in- it’s been the hardest experience of my life. I want to admit this fully to be transparent that even fitness professionals get off their game sometimes.


So how do we stay on track? When life throws us so much at one time there might not be any way to be consistent for a little while and that’s ok. Just get back to it as soon as you can.  Remember, in just 8 weeks you can loose up to 30% of your endurance. However, once it’s gained it’s easier to get back and you’ll bounce back faster. So take the time you need when you’re going through a major life change, and don’t get into the routine of getting out of routine and you’ll be fine.


What about the normal day-to-day life? How do we keep up with goals and exercise/wellness in the middle of work, kids, school, eating, sleeping (hopefully), social life, family life, church, and everything else that life can throw in our way?  I have a few tools here to help you stay consistent and on target.


1- Set an appointment with yourself daily.  Treat yourself like a meeting or client: schedule it in your planner and don’t miss your appointment. That time is allotted to you and your goals.  You can find the time. Remember, a one-hour workout is only 4% of your day.  So schedule it and don’t let yourself down.  You are your own most important client every day.


2- Find accountability in a social group. If you’re the most motivated person in your group and your motivation is wavering then there’s an issue.  You call someone to exercise or take a class with you and they “don’t really feel like it” and you already “didn’t really feel like it” so no one is going to do anything.  Find a group that motivates you and helps to hold you accountable and supports your success.  If nothing else find one person in your life and have them ask you “did you exercise today” or “how are your goals coming along?”  Being accountable to someone other than yourself if a powerful motivator and having the right group to motivate you can be important.


3- Discover what you enjoy doing and what works for you.  If you HATE running why are you running? There are 18 bazillion other ways to get in your cardio for the day.  If you don’t like something you’re not going to be motivated to do it.  Think of the dentist- we are all always super motivated to go to the dentist as often as needed, right?  Ha! Also seeking the help of a professional and discovering what fits into your schedule and what works for you can be very important. Once you start seeing results you will likely have a stronger motivation to hold on to.


4- Don’t do what your hairdresser’s boyfriend’s Instagram friend did and “they lost a ton of weight.”  You don’t know if it was in a healthy way, if it is good for your goals, if it even works that way or if they’re just getting paid to say it.  Following fads and fibs on social media and in advertising in general can be de-motivational.  When you’ve tried all the gimmicks, and nothing has worked you throw your arms up in the air and claim “I’ve done everything!” except for what it actually takes which is work and dedicated lifestyle changes.


So with an amount a grace and perseverance we can begin to see improvements and routines begin to stick and turn out results.  Always allow yourself grace- everyone falters and a falter is never a fail.  However, if you implement these tips I can promise you’ll at least find something to stick to, be happier in it, and see results more quickly.  Be well everyone.