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Things I can’t believe people still believe


There are so many myths about health, wellness, fitness, weight loss, etc- but we are in the age of information. Anything we want is literally at our fingertips. We have resources from top scientists literally seconds away from us at any moment, and we are able to read and make informed decisions. So why do so many people still believe such bullshit? I have my theories, and most of them are based on the fact that no matter how much people say they want to “change”, they literally will do everything but actually change. Quick fixes, fads, straight up conspiracy- these have all allowed people to think they’re going to create magic, have a scapegoat for all their problems, and they can keep doing exactly what they’re doing but change this one thing and you’re life will be different. Spoiler: that’s not how it works. Here are the top things that I can’t believe people actually believe in my industry that are straight up NOT TRUE.


3- Skinny Teas, supplements, fat burners, etc.  This is just playing on the vulnerability of people who want a change, and the people who will throw their money something that makes them feel like they’ll see change without having to change. There is one way to burn fat from the body- creating a deficit so the body releases the stored energy as needed. Creating a safe and healthy slight caloric deficit of about 500 calories a day should result in small weight loss weekly, and that’s how it works. Literally no other way. You body must feel like it is ok and necessary to release the stored energy and we burn it off. Your daily calories burned is determined by 4 things- Exercise, Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis (I’ll explain this later), Basal Metabolic Rate (heart rate, muscle mass, etc), and thermic effect of food (how much energy it takes to process the food you’re eating.) That’s it folks. No tea is going to boost your metabolism. No pill is going to help you sustainably and healthily shed pounds. Putting lemon in your water doesn’t make you pee out fat- that one’s my favorite. Where did that possibly even come from? Aside from major health complications, if you are taking in less calories than you are expending then you will lose weight and this is the one true way. Also, short note- you don’t need a protein supplement. You really, really don’t. Most Americans take in waaaaaaaaaay more protein than they should daily, and that’s just excess calories and excess calories store as…fat. Extra protein doesn’t mean extra muscle. Also, your shakes that say 40-60g of protein per serving are ripping you off. Your body can’t even possibly process that much protein at one time. It has a MAX potential to process around 40g of protein at one time, but optimally about 20g. You are wasting your money. Pre-workouts are also shit. If you need an energy boost get a cup of coffee. Your skin doesn’t need to turn red, you don’t need to get itchy, you don’t need to shake it in your mouth then scream so the entire gym knows you’re doing something unnecessary, you don’t need to spend tons of money on supplements.


2- NEAT! I said I’d get to this. Non-Exercise Activity thermogenesis. This means all the calories expended throughout the day in every movement except exercise. Exercise is planned, consistent, and progressive stress on the body. Cardio, resistance, range of motion-these all have to be performed for certain lengths of time and at certain exertions to see results. So, I’m sorry (not terribly) your job isn’t “good exercise.” Your being on your feet at work is not cardio. You are not progressively lifting heavier and heavier boxes with planed intervals and breaks. You are not goose stepping at 65-80% of your maximum exertion for extended periods of time. You are performing daily tasks, and increasing your movement which is excellent but it is not, was not, will never be a replacement for exercise. These lifestyle help to create good habits for longevity, but we still need exercise. I can’t even consider the group exercise classes that I am teaching to be exercise. One- I’m teaching it so I’m not working at a good capacity, and two- your body adapts to whatever it’s daily stress is and that’s why exercise is progressive. So walking your dog where they stop to pee, sniff, poop, bark- NOT EXERCISE. And you’re 10,000 steps a day that makes you feel really good? I have terrible news… Unless they were all in a row and you were stepping at at least 65% of your maximum capacity they are not exercise, but just extra movement.


1- CARBS. Yall. For real.  Get off the carb hating train. Carbs have never wronged you. Carbs have been our friends for literally our entire existence. They give us energy, they fuel our systems, your brain’s favorite nutrient is carbs- maybe that’s why you are hating them because your brain has no carbs to think to make better decisions. Carbs are not your enemy. Seriously, if I have to tell one more person that fruit is healthier than a plate full of meat and cheese I’m going to explode. You’ve known this since you were a child. Ketogenic diets have only been shown to provide health benefits to epileptic children, and have been shown to help control seizures. That’s it. Literally every major science and nutrition organizations says “you gotta eat carbs” but people are out here like “well, my hairdresser Becky went keto and said after she got over the brain fog and having no energy that she lost weight…” Becky, let’s make a deal: I won’t give anyone tips on how to cut their hair, and you won’t give nutritional advice. Good forms of carbs- fruits, veggies, whole grains- should make up 40-60% of our daily calories. Yeah, the idea of a nutritional plan (notice I didn’t say diet…because anything using the word diet is also crap) that say eat bacon and cheese until your heart is content sounds excellent but is unreasonable. And your heart won’t be content for long, nor will your kidneys. So for the love of all that is holy please, please, PLEASE stop with the low carb/no carb/keto/atikins crap. Stop it. Stop. (stop.) Thanks. Fun fact- the creator of the Atkins diet died an obese man with heart attacks, hypertension, and heart failure. Sounds great, right? Oh, and also he lost his medical license. Fun times.


So there it is, the top three things I cannot believe people still believe about health and fitness. So eat your carbs, get in your steps but also so actual exercise, and stay away from anything your friend in a pyramid scheme is trying to sell you but ESPECIALLY supplements and teas that say they’ll make your body better. Be smart y’all, and if you have questions about things let me know! I’ll write a blog on it! Be well!